vendor\symfony\security-http\Firewall\ChannelListener.php line 29

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  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3.  * This file is part of the Symfony package.
  4.  *
  5.  * (c) Fabien Potencier <>
  6.  *
  7.  * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
  8.  * file that was distributed with this source code.
  9.  */
  10. namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall;
  11. use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
  12. use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;
  13. use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
  14. use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\RequestEvent;
  15. use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\AccessMapInterface;
  16. use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\EntryPoint\AuthenticationEntryPointInterface;
  17. /**
  18.  * ChannelListener switches the HTTP protocol based on the access control
  19.  * configuration.
  20.  *
  21.  * @author Fabien Potencier <>
  22.  *
  23.  * @final
  24.  */
  25. class ChannelListener extends AbstractListener
  26. {
  27.     private $map;
  28.     private $authenticationEntryPoint null;
  29.     private $logger;
  30.     private $httpPort;
  31.     private $httpsPort;
  32.     public function __construct(AccessMapInterface $map/* ?LoggerInterface */ $logger null/* int */ $httpPort 80/* int */ $httpsPort 443)
  33.     {
  34.         if ($logger instanceof AuthenticationEntryPointInterface) {
  35.             trigger_deprecation('symfony/security-http''5.4''The "$authenticationEntryPoint" argument of "%s()" is deprecated.'__METHOD__);
  36.             $this->authenticationEntryPoint $logger;
  37.             $nrOfArgs \func_num_args();
  38.             $logger $nrOfArgs func_get_arg(2) : null;
  39.             $httpPort $nrOfArgs func_get_arg(3) : 80;
  40.             $httpsPort $nrOfArgs func_get_arg(4) : 443;
  41.         }
  42.         if (null !== $logger && !$logger instanceof LoggerInterface) {
  43.             throw new \TypeError(sprintf('Argument "$logger" of "%s()" must be instance of "%s", "%s" given.'__METHOD__LoggerInterface::class, get_debug_type($logger)));
  44.         }
  45.         $this->map $map;
  46.         $this->logger $logger;
  47.         $this->httpPort $httpPort;
  48.         $this->httpsPort $httpsPort;
  49.     }
  50.     /**
  51.      * Handles channel management.
  52.      */
  53.     public function supports(Request $request): ?bool
  54.     {
  55.         [, $channel] = $this->map->getPatterns($request);
  56.         if ('https' === $channel && !$request->isSecure()) {
  57.             if (null !== $this->logger) {
  58.                 if ('https' === $request->headers->get('X-Forwarded-Proto')) {
  59.                     $this->logger->info('Redirecting to HTTPS. ("X-Forwarded-Proto" header is set to "https" - did you set "trusted_proxies" correctly?)');
  60.                 } elseif (str_contains($request->headers->get('Forwarded'''), 'proto=https')) {
  61.                     $this->logger->info('Redirecting to HTTPS. ("Forwarded" header is set to "proto=https" - did you set "trusted_proxies" correctly?)');
  62.                 } else {
  63.                     $this->logger->info('Redirecting to HTTPS.');
  64.                 }
  65.             }
  66.             return true;
  67.         }
  68.         if ('http' === $channel && $request->isSecure()) {
  69.             if (null !== $this->logger) {
  70.                 $this->logger->info('Redirecting to HTTP.');
  71.             }
  72.             return true;
  73.         }
  74.         return false;
  75.     }
  76.     public function authenticate(RequestEvent $event)
  77.     {
  78.         $request $event->getRequest();
  79.         $event->setResponse($this->createRedirectResponse($request));
  80.     }
  81.     private function createRedirectResponse(Request $request): RedirectResponse
  82.     {
  83.         if (null !== $this->authenticationEntryPoint) {
  84.             return $this->authenticationEntryPoint->start($request);
  85.         }
  86.         $scheme $request->isSecure() ? 'http' 'https';
  87.         if ('http' === $scheme && 80 != $this->httpPort) {
  88.             $port ':'.$this->httpPort;
  89.         } elseif ('https' === $scheme && 443 != $this->httpsPort) {
  90.             $port ':'.$this->httpsPort;
  91.         } else {
  92.             $port '';
  93.         }
  94.         $qs $request->getQueryString();
  95.         if (null !== $qs) {
  96.             $qs '?'.$qs;
  97.         }
  98.         $url $scheme.'://'.$request->getHost().$port.$request->getBaseUrl().$request->getPathInfo().$qs;
  99.         return new RedirectResponse($url301);
  100.     }
  101. }